Probinex Product Overview

Together, our products create a unique, fully AML/CFT compliant and audited ecosystem. Each product forms an important part of the whole and they help one another increase overall efficiency. 

Our Products 

The PBX token

The native token of the Probinex project. Pay the
 exchange fees, earn more 
in Earnio or allocate.
Make the best of Probinex.


StayKing is premium loyalty program for PBX token holders. Lock your tokens in smart contracts and let them do the work for you.

Project Earnio

Unique platform compliant with regulations, utilizing cryptocurrencies. 
Deposit in EUR, BTC or ETH and earn more thanks to our trading strategies.

Coming soon...

Probinex Exchange

Flagship of our product fleet.
Unique crypto-exchange, ready for the regulated world. Trade any asset, anytime.